Dear Paul
Many thanks for getting in touch. Sorry to hear you were closing the service. Just to say I totally echo all the positive feedback you’ve had from this decision. Your whole service was run on such an outstanding professional level. You always had time for people, and you never rested on your laurels, always trying to improve the service if you ever felt it needed it. For all the people out there who run such services, I think it would be fair to say you were definitely one of the best!
R.H. 8/12/2013
Good Evening Paul,
As an attendee of your ’Beaumont Method’ seminar I’ve always believed you have some special ability to make betting methods work and I just found your very positive nature to the whole betting scene very motivating.
V.B. 6/12/2013
While I never managed to get up to £60 stakes – ultimately because of stake restrictions – you still won me near enough £20,000 in the time I was with your service. Given that I started out with £2 bets I would say this is pretty good going.
A.N. 03/12/2013
Afternoon Paul
Thanks for for doing this. When I first looked at your system I was amazed. Testing it in October proved that it worked. Going live on 6 November 2013 to the 30th produced 35.71 points, even more amazed. I did think I may have to take out a life insurance policy on you! When I read your email about stopping, my heart literally sank! Because your system gave me a new lease in life, or should I say excitement, plus the opportunity of making an income. So I was momentarily devastated, until I read what you proposed to do next, and I thank you in advance for even considering doing this, because I didn’t have a clue on what I would do next.
M.H. 2/12/2013
I would like also to thank you for a great service and wish you luck in your “retirement”! Thanks a million.
I.R. 01/12/2013
Thank you for the service you have given and best wishes for the future.
A.M. 01/12/2013
Good luck to the Messiah! I had a great year with you Paul and made about 15K in that time, thank you and good luck.
P.M. 01/12/2013
Hi Paul,
First of all I must thank you for Beaumont’s Bets. In just over two years with the service I have made around £17,000 (minus subscriptions) from it and it is probably the only service I have subscribed to (including betting, forex, stocks etc.) that has actually made a profit long term. So thanks for that and your honesty and integrity which is the hallmark of the service.
A.N. 01/12/2013
Good Afternoon Paul
To say that was a shock would be an understatement! Firstly i would just like to say a big thank you for all your help over the last year and a half! It has been a great journey! I also fully understand where you are coming from as i have just given up one of my jobs to spend more time with my family and work from home!
G.W. 01/12/2013
Hi Paul,
Firstly I would like to say a big thank you for your service, it has been second to none. Shame that I have not been with this for a long period of time as I really enjoy the service and of course the profits.
M. B. 01/12/2013
Good morning Paul, I hope you are well.
Firstly, I would like to say thank you for your email and for your time in providing me with your selections over the past x months. I can honestly say that it has been a high quality service and certainly the most productive out of all the ones that I have used. I wish you and your wife (Polly?) lots of happiness. : )
J. P. 01/12/2013
Hi Paul
Very sad to hear your decision. I have been with for exactly a year and although November was a difficult month and I made the first loss since the dismal January, overall I have made a handsome profit. Should add that November’s loss was down to not being able to make the selections on a regular basis due to being away a lot. Sod’s law kicked in and inevitably the days I missed were all winners, but I caught all the losers! Overall though still managed a ROI of 150%, so not too shabby.
B.L. 01/12/2013
Morning Paul
First can I say a very big THANK YOU for the time and effort you have dedicated to “Beaumonts Bets” over the last years and the consistent monthly profits that have come my way since joining the service back in the spring!
May I say how much I have enjoyed all that has been involved in “battering the Bookies!”
To this end, please put my name at the top of your list
R. L. 1/12/2013
Hi Paul,
First of all thanks for the opportunity of being a member, for me, of the most profitable service I’ve ever subscribed to. In that respect you can definitely count me in.
Long may “Beaumonts Party” continue!!
J.S. 01/12/2013
Whilst writing to you I wish to express my full and unconditional satisfaction with your service, the best I’ve ever come across and that has helped me make a significant amount of money, many thousands! For that I am very grateful especially as your style is succinct, reliable, unforgiving and honest; you are one of the very best, there is no doubt.
G.M. 10/11/2013
I wish to thank you not only for the supplementary income but also the enjoyment I have had from our association.
I have every intention of following you from a distance by checking the web site from time to time and, if lifestyle allows and Beaumont Bets continues in the way we all know and love, I look forward to re-joining at sometime in the future.
Once again, my thanks – it’s been a lot of fun.
J.H. 8/11/2013
Hi Paul
Yes a bad day but these are to be expected, I have attached my own results to show that from my projections I am bang on track, I back only and started with a bank of just under €700 which now stands at €3,000, I have become quite accustomed to the large swings but the last figure I check is the graph which gives the big picture and that keeps rising onwards and upwards. Looking forward to your December announcement.
Take care.
D.S. 6/11/2013
Fabulous, stoic, gritty rearguard action Paul – well done during difficult times over here.
P.H. 31/10/2013
Your service is the only one that I have made consistent profits with. At the moment my bank has increased to 600 points at £20 a point, a profit of £12,000 which I’m very pleased with, Thank You.
S.T. 5/10/2013
Another good day today (I wish your computer could go on the blink every day if these are the results). I actually matched your points total the other day with 13 and I’m just a couple behind today with 21pts.
I’m up 93 pts over the past two months, so I’m more than happy with the service.
Even after a proliferation of second and third places, I got the feeling you were due a good run. Unfortunately I missed the 25-1 on Dhular Dhar (I was pleased with myself for grabbing the early best-priced 11-1 with 888).
Thanks again for a genuine service.
V.F. 30/9/2013
Hello Paul,
Superb day. 29 pts. profit today (3 behind
your tally). Well done.
V.B. 23/9/2013
Hi Paul
Fantastic day of racing!
Is that a record for wins to runners?
G.W. 23/9/2013
Hi Paul,
You are very modest. Just wish I knew how you did it!!
Brilliant stuff.
J.G. 23/9/2013
Hi Paul
I have been singing the twelve days of Beaumonts (xmas) all day today!! What a fantastic start to the month and my return to the fold. Looking forward to many more days in the investment market!
G.W. 15/9/2013
Hi Graham,
I noticed this week you did another update on Beaumont’s Bets and thought I would drop you a line on our experience with this service.
My dad, brother and myself have followed Paul’s service for a few months now but because of work constraints were only able to start betting live 7 weeks ago.
We initially paper traded the selections to see how close we could get to Paul’s morning prices and compare our results with his. We were more than pleased with the method of giving us his selections (Google documents) and achieved results usually within a point or so for the days bets.
Since the 8th July (7 weeks) we have been using Paul’s selections for backing only (being involved with forex we don’t mind seeing drawdowns) and so far, starting with small stakes, have turned a £600 bank into £1250.54p. Not bad for 2 hours a day!
We started with £3 stakes on a 200 point bank and are currently backing to £5 stakes. We will continue increasing this as our bank grows and hopefully before too long we can start taking a small wage from the winnings.
Needless to say I am writing this with a huge smile on my face and can honestly say that this is THE BEST horse racing service I have been involved with. I would recommend Paul’s service to anyone interested in wanting to make an income from racing.
S.W. 25/8/2013
Hello Paul,
Just a quick note of appreciation.
Another excellent month where unfortunately I lost two more accounts, Ladbrokes and Bet365 (a bitter blow that one) but I have hit both hard.
Great work and many thanks for such a wonderful service that really does make a great profit.
Best wishes,
G.M. 31/7/2013
So, I’ll keep working on my plan and in the meantime thanks for your support and above all thanks for the service which has made me over £14000 to date.
A.N. 19/7/2013
Can I just say that your BB service is superb, absolutely first rate and the daily routine is wonderful. It is one of the very few services which does actually genuinely deliver over the long term and I am convinced it will do so for as long as you continue to offer it.
P.B. 18/7/2013
Finally, its been just over a year since i started with the service. For my part i started with £5 bets on back/lay 75 and am now on £20 pound bets between the two back/lay methods which to me is great.
J.S. 16/7/2013
Were certainly on the march at the moment!
Joined up around this time last year, made a packet (around £10,000! thank you.)
C.H. 15/7/2013
Hi Paul
What a week I can now truly say for the first time in my life (64years) I am playing with the bookies money
T.A. 11/7/2013
Hi Paul
I have been slowly and methodically increasing my stakes, trying to keep two feet on the ground, but I have to say, this run is incredible.
I read some great reviews before joining but they really do not prepare you for weeks like this.
I am going to name this summer ‘Beaumonts Summer’.
Good health to you and yours and congratulations once again.
C.S. 11/7/2013
Greetings Paul,
Thank you very much for such an excellent sustained bank booster run.Your ability to land so many winners is very remarkable.
Even with my severely restricted bookie options I have received the benefits of such a supply of winners.
G.N. 11/7/2013
Anyway thats all behind me now and thanks to you have made a small fortune so far this month – keep it up P – win lose or draw every day is much appreciated!
P.H. 11/7/2013
Can I say thank u for the last 6 weeks unbelievable didn’t think I could ever make money like that thank u planning lapland for xmas fingers crossed
R.R. 10/7/2013
Good Evening
Congratulations on the wonderful run the service has been on.
N.M. 10/7/2013
Evening Paul, I haven`t sent you any messages for a while so just wanted to say a massive congrats on the recent successes of your service.
J.P. 9/7/2013
Hi Paul
Cracking day and apart from a couple of minor hiccups it has been a fantastic few weeks.
Well done, I hope you are enjoying a nice refreshing glass of something nice.
Many thanks
C.S. 6/7/2013
Hi Paul
Congratulations on another awesome day.
You know things are going well when you get 8 consecutive winners then still get disappointed when the 9th doesn’t win.
Incredible couple of days, long may it last.
C.S. 19/6/2013
It was pure joy to watch Declaration Of War charge home in the first race at Royal Ascot, leaving the much-hyped favourite trailing. And then Sole Power in the second ! Absolutely inspired ! Perversely, though, I find I get almost as much pleasure out of those situations where a horse comes nowhere, yet still manages to turn a profit, such as happened with Ace Master in the 1820 at Thirsk.
I can’t tell you how fantastic it is to have finally discovered a service which actually lives up to its claims.
W.C. 18/6/2013
Good morning young Paul,
Thank you for a great service and being so honest
C.B. 11/6/2013
Good Morning Paul
It is with regret that I have got to stop Beaumonts bets.
I have been working from home for the past couple of years but have got to go on site for up to five months!
Once I am back working at home will I be able to join again, Paul, or have I got to go on your waiting list?
Such a shame as I spent all last year building my bank up to £3500 now I wanted to take an income this happens!
Hopefully I should return in October just as the winter months are coming into play!
Many thanks for all your help over the last year and a half.
G.W. 28/5/2013
Dear Paul,
Every now and then I just need to congratulate you for your efforts and your results with regards to your service, which to some degree has become a fix part of my life, very much to the dislike of my wife LOL (at least, after 2 years she already knows when the breaks between the bunches are).
During the time I know you, I have learned quite a nice amount of real wisdom about betting or better said about the pitfalls of it, despite the fact I considered myself a pro for quite a time. You are a real master of what you do and you know why some things are as they are……………………………………………
With best regards from your greatest fan.
R.T. 26/5/2013
Evening Paul
Been out playing cricket all afternoon so never saw one race. So nice to just check the emails and see a profitable day with no stress watching it all unfold. You’ll do for me my friend.
B.L. 11/5/2013
Good work Mr B! Thanks to your SS email today, despite a late night and malfunctioning alarm clock I still managed to get on despite raising my throbbing head at around 11.30am this morning – thus saving myself from a very expensive hangover and the resultant self loathing. I swerved twelve selections where the price had shrunk too far and luckily for me only one of those won (One Lucky Lady). 20.5 points in the bag! Keep up the excellent work!
P.H. 4/5/2013
Nice I’ve netted 2400 can’t believe it, over the moon it makes getting up after 4 hours sleep worth it!!
R.R. 29/4/2013
What a brilliant day!
Many thanks, April is looking pretty damned good at my end.
G.M. 29/4/2013
Hello Paul,
Wow! One months unit profit quota in a day. Very well done.
Bit concerned you are starting omen betting. “Keep in dark” and “Beaumont’s Party”. 
Continued success,
G.N. 7/4/2013
Quite brilliant work today Paul – I imagine that all your subscribers will be having their own Beaumont Party tonight – I know I am (am having trouble typing this)! At London prices (ie £4.50), I reckon I owe you around 212 pints for today’s work alone – oh well just another 207 to go…
Very happy days (and AW evenings)!
P.H. 7/4/2013
Hello Paul,
Well what can I say, as I write in 25 mins another milestone for me big 70!!
I could have not asked for a better present !!
Very well done!! and here’s hoping that there are many more and we can all benefit!
B.M. 6/4/2013
Good evening Paul
No need to reply to this one as I know you will be busy…but bloody hell mate…incredible day!
C.S. 6/4/2013
Hello Paul,
Well done indeed this month – gritty, frustrating stuff at times but a really solid second half paid off very nicely. Thanks to missing a couple of losing day I actually managed to outperform you with a return of 65.07 points for a profit of £1759 at £27 a bet (back only). In these difficult times you really are a godsend in terms of getting things like the mortgage and bills paid and then of course there are the essentials like booze, food, clothes and my brand new fishing rod!
My greatest fear in life is your retirement…
Thanks again!
P.H. 31/3/2013
Hi Paul,
Just a quick note first to say a belated Happy New Year to you and your wife.
Finished reconciling my 2012 accounts and I made 932 points in 2012 with your service (on backing only) and whilst I wish I’d been staking £50 (I wasn’t) I’ve had a reasonably pleasant year and although I missed around 290 points (going by your official results) I’m on my knees bowing to you and hopefully 2013 will be just as good!
J.T. 02/01/2012
A very Happy New Year to you Paul and your good wife.
A year has passed since i made those steps to join Beaumonts Bets.
Starting as you might remember with £300 i wondered if it would be worth while! Well, here i am today with just over £3500 in my bank and i am really looking forward to the coming year and taking a wage each month!
Well worth the wait! Great investment!
I did have a couple of days where i had some luck when the engine went down and horses won with no lays in place!
Bookmakers accounts have been closed and opened again with your knowledge! We won’t be beaten!!
For the coming year i am going to stake £20 on back/lay and £20 on new variation! Still not going over the top!
I might even consider backing only from March! We will see.
Anyway, once again many thanks Paul.
Kind Regards
G.W. 01/01/2013
Good Morning Paul,
I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and thank you for your amazing service. I joined at the end of September 2012 and couldn’t be happier with it. I appreciate opportunity you kindly have given me and all the hard work, expertise and advice is superb, long may it continue now I have found what I have been looking for for a long time.
All the Best
A.C. 01/01/13
Thanks Paul, as you will know I have only been with you for a month. I can safely say your service is the best of many I have tried over the past 5 years (since I retired) and I look forward to many profitable years to come.
Happy new year
B.L. 31/12/12
Hello Paul,
A good end today! it is good to know that you can pick some good winners even when the weather is very inclement!!
I hope you have a good break and all the very best to you all for the new year, and may next year be even better!!
I am sure you will soon be happy to return to sunnier climes!! let’s hope we get an improvement too!!
All the best.
R.M. 31/12/12
Dear Paul,
A Happy New Year to you, too, and thank you for an excellent service!
Kind regards from a murky and wet Sweden, but who cares, with the results we all enjoy!
C.J. 31/12/12
Dear Paul,
Just a little note to say thank you for a terrific service. Have been with Beaumont s bets now for app. 11 months and it has made a great difference to my life in terms of perseverance and discipline in betting and anything else for that matter.
So, have an enjoyable rest with your nearest and dearest through the festive season and as Mr Spock says ” Live long and Prosper”
Best regards
M.M. 23/12/12
Merry Xmas to you Paul, and the better half of course. If you can produce just 50% of what you achieved last year, 2013 will be a very prosperous year.
Thanks from me, the wife and the kids.
T.C. 23/12/12
Hi Paul
Just like me, you know how to treat a girl!!
Hope you both have a great Christmas and many thanks for the fun (and
profit) over the last few months.
Here’s to a prosperous New Year to us all.
Ho Ho Ho
F.S. 23/12/12
Thank you for the continued remarkable service – I particularly enjoy the occasional little asides added to the link or results email.
May you and yours enjoy a splendid Christmas
Best wishes
J.H. 22/12/12
Another difficult day with over 20 losers and I lost a total of £3. Plus I had some fun – as the advert says “it matters more when there’s money on it”
I understand your frustration as I imagine you have a great deal of pride in what you do. As you know, I joined on Dec 1st. I missed the 1st 2 or 3 days due to other commitments so my 1st 2 betting days were losing days and I am still £512 up this month, starting with £14 stakes and now on £19. So I cannot wait until you get your act together. I have not stopped smiling for ages and my wife even helps with the end of day trawl through my accounts to see what we (yes “we”) have made. She cannot understand having 22 losers from 26 bets and losing only £3. I tried to explain 75% laying and she lost the will to live. Already we are going to have a better xmas than we envisaged pre Dec 1st thanks to you and your system.
B.T. 18/12/2012
However, it was last year when we booked the holiday, and at that time I had never even watched a horse race in my life – I wasn’t to know it was going to become a fascinating weekend afternoon fixture of mine!
Thank you for all your selections and advice since I joined in the summer: you’ve really helped to develop my understanding and enjoyment of racing and betting.
C.P. 16/12/2012
Well…. I had to drop you a note, smashin recovery from a difficult week Yet…. it is of no surprise to me, but how do you do it time and time again???
Best investment i ever made and please believe me when i say there has been quite a few!
Thanks again
T.C. 16/12/2012
Excellent work Paul, keep it up. Just as a matter of interest, after studying your record of results on your website. I decided to switch to back only with a 200 point bank at £5 per point to begin. I just found it too stressful getting the lays on (even with the help of Bet Engine) to make it worth the effort. Since December 10th up to tonight this has grown to 220 points and bank is £1104. I am more than happy with this and quite prepared to accept the setbacks that will accompany this strategy and will keep my focus on the longer term bigger picture. Rest assured you will never get any grief from me when the inevitable losing days materialise.
B.L. 16/12/2012
Works for me!
BB 2 Mudlarks 0. The boy done good!!
Well done Paul
Best regards
F.S. 16/12/2012
Brilliant day Paul. Thank you. Regards
B.T. 15/12/2012
Over many years i have bought systems, methods, books, owned horses and still own horses, but I can say without doubt YOU are the only person who constantly produces a good R O I ‘at a low risk. Thank you for your kind wishes re my op and I will let you know how I get on, God willing. Thanks again and good luck, you deserve it.
P.D. 15/12/2012
Hi Paul!
Many thanks for the tips in the last 4 weeks!
I have made over 150 Points in this 4 weeks with your tips.
Perhaps, you are the best tipster worldwide….
Best Regards from Germany!
J.B. 20/11/2012
PS I can’t write without thanking you again for the wonderful service you offer. It is not an exaggeration to say that the income has been life changing for me and I am so very grateful to you.
A.E. 7/11/2012
Hi Paul
Quick mail to thank you for another profitable month, I made just over €600 profit which considering my track record with previous systems is streets ahead of my previous monthly best, I will now increase my stake slightly and eventually hope to reach €40 stakes. Thanks again.
Take care
D.S. 31/10/2012
Evening Paul
Thanks for a cracking month!
Hope the moving in goes well, must be exciting.
C.H. 28/10/2012
Good Evening Paul,
The close of my first month and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you. It really has been fantastic and I am sure things will continue to provide a good consistent amount of winners.
A.C. 28/10/2012
Good Morning Paul,
The sun is shining in Aus and the Gods are pleased with my newfound selection service. The tornado arrived on time. Once again congratulations, what a result. I give you permission to take the rest of October off and enjoy settling into your new house. You certainly deserve it after providing such enjoyment to your members.,
Best wishes,
G.N. 28/10/2012
Dear Paul,
Your service is absolutely perfect !
What is also great ? The customers approach !i!
I wish you nice live in your new house !!!
Paul, thank you ! Again, your site is PERFECT!!!
Best regards !
Have a nice weekend !
L.J. 27/10/2012
Hello Paul,
Didn’t he do well!!
Or to coin a modern phrase that I hate ! “stonking!”
B.M. 27/10/12
What can I say? One week on from my best day yet you have topped it and by a decent margin!!
Top man
F.S. 27/10/2012
Evening Paul
I knew you would not let me down today?
Put my stakes up today, which is always scary!
Top day!
C.H. 27/10/2012
Paul, Sir you are a bloody genius
G.N. 23/10/12
Just a note to say a big thanks!
12 winning day’s from the last 13,we’re really on a roll.
C.H. 22/10/2012
Yes, I am getting very disappointed with the daily grind of extracting money from the bookmakers too 
J.W. 22/10/2012
This is an awesome result again and again, thanks! Although this is not ‘life-changing’ from the stakes I currently use, my bank role is growing day by day.
D.G. 22/10/12
Masterclass – well done Paul excellent stuff
M.L. 22/10/2012
Hi Paul
I just want to thank you for the recent results, I hope it continues
R.C. 22/10/2012
Hello Paul,
Well that was certainly worth getting up for this morning wasn’t it.
It certainly caps of a lovely weekend. Thanks again for providing this for us.
Best wishes and continued success,
G.N. 21/10/2012
That brightened up a very wet & grey English afternoon,personally my best day so far ,from only 32 bets as well!!
Superb job Paul
Best regards
F.S. 21/10/12
Dear Paul.
I hope you’ll eventually tell someone your system. This is such an incredibly powerful system. I think many people ask you this.
I have a dream. I come with my family to Lanzarote, you call me a price —– I do not have much, but I would pay you all I have for this —- and you will teach me everything. My dream is to play on Betfair the rest of my life, as successful as you.
H.W. 20/10/2012
Hi Paul
Today was the last day of my first month, a total points profit of 84. Once again thanks for providing such a quality service, it is one of a kind.
Take care
D.S. 8/10/2012
Hi Paul,
Well done today – really nice finish to another good month! I for one would be well up for anything else you have to offer though I realise as a relative newcomer I will not be top of the shortlist to join. Anyway my hat is in the ring…
Keep it up!
P.H. 30/9/12
Hi Paul,
Hope your move is progressing well. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your system.
It’s good to see something that works on a consistent basis (even with ‘Black Friday’, which I was invested in, I’m in good profit!).
R.M. 30/9/12
Lovely end to the month Paul, thanks. If you can provide even half the quality in your new service I will be very interested, I have wasted thousands on the last few years on various ventures just wish I knew about bb sooner.
S.H. 30/9/12
Hi Paul,
what an overwhelming result today! Just wanna congratulate you for your perfect selections. It’s absolutely incredible how you do this.
Thank you!!
All the best!
O.G. 16/9/12
Hello Paul,
I just thought I would pass on my thanks for creating another of those days which makes horse racing even more of a joy to follow!
C.P. 15/9/12
Evening Paul
Brilliant day,best one for me so far!
Well done,have a good evening.
C.H. 15/9/12
yes, well done… awesome performance!
S.G. 15/9/12
Good evening Paul
Many thanks for your selections on my first day today.
I backed them to £1 stakes (£109 bank) at William Hill and the bank increased to £151.85.
H.D. 15/9/12
Hi Paul,
Thanks for a brilliant day !, I made 4 points less than you, for saying we had so many winning horses that’s good. (still made 50 points)
Also can I please add comment to one of your past emails regarding that losing friday, fortunately I was sunning myself down in Poole Dorset, but even if I had taken that losing day it wouldn’t have flustered or bothered me at all, its not about 1 day or 1 week, you know that and most know that, so maybe you should let all them recent joiners know that if they stick with it they will make very good money for little effort !.
Paul , thanks again for this brilliant service, haven’t got a clue how you pick the winners but you certainly deliver month after month after month !!!.
P.A. 15/9/12
Hi Paul,
What a fantastic day! Never had so much fun from racing. Well Done mate!
D.B. 15/9/12
apart from the awful ride Camelot had in the St. Leger, it was a near perfect day.
However, made over £500 for £10 bets, even though I couldn’t quite get all the best prices but still a damn good Saturday by any standards.
Many thanks,
G.M. 15/9/12
Yippee……he said in a considered investor fashion 
J.T. 15/9/12
I’ve never seen the like. Yesterday didn’t bother me in the slightest as I had total faith that it would be pulled back in the long run. But to pull it back….and some!!…. the very next day.
I’ve never seen anything like it
Take that holiday. You bloody deserve it
P.L. 8/9/12
We’ve had a nice August, here are some of the emails
Truly excellent, yet again! You might like to know never before have I seen such an increase in my betting bank.
Many thanks again,
R.M. 30/8/12
I wasn’t going to say this – but then I saw yesterday’s first results email about how much your back bets returned – my profit for that day alone just peeped into the four figure mark for the first time. Previously to this it was in the low hundreds, and a few weeks ago it was only in double figures. Of course, yesterday’s results were exceptional, but I think you can probably see why I am taking the time to thank you for your guidance! I think this is the first summer holiday when my “income” has exceeded my outgoings: nearly two grand profit in four weeks – not bad for an experiment. I’ve had a few losses, of course, and some near-misses; one thing I am developing are nerves of steel after/during a run of losses – like today!
C.P. 29/8/2012
Evening Paul
Never mind Christmas every day,wish it could be August all the time!
Record month by the look of thing’s?
C.H. 28/8/2012
One word……amazing!
Im having a bottle of Bollinger with my wife thanks to you. I would send you one too if I could
Many thanks
P.L. 28/8/12
I reckon I’m around 44 points up today Paul so on that basis you’d be 2655 better off (me £486) What an unbelievable month’s work Paul – the man that broke the bookies from Lanzarote!
Well done indeed.
P.H. 28/8/2012
Hello Paul,
Very impressed today!
Lots of good winners, and what is more I took some of them and put them in e/w doubles to only .20p stakes.
Result on Betfair to just £1 stakes increased from £63 to £289 and my Bet 365 from £479 to £706 !
As you can imagine, I am very pleased with this outcome ! good on “Beaumont Bets!”
But I also realise you are going to tell me that not all days will be just like this, but what a good day for me on my full subscription, good decision on my part but it was a no brainer really!
All the very best,
looking forward to tomorrow!
B.M. 28/8/2012
Hi Paul
Just got back from Aqualand and forgot to activate bet engine! What a plonker! First time i have done that since i started back in February!! Anyway, all my girls are happy and now Dad is very HAPPY!
Great Day
Regards as always
G.W. 28/8/2012
Hi Paul
11 out of 13! How do you do it! Simply Stunning!
Hi Paul
OK 10/12 instead, but who’s counting!
P.J. 28/8/2012
Us backers are minted Paul! For a writer I am not often lost for words but I am these days. Staggering results – inspired stuff!
P.H. 26/8/12
Hi Paul,
Just wondering are you doing this bank hol monday !.
Also keep up the good (awesome) work, must say not very often I name someone a genius but your are with this game.
P.A. 25/8/12
Hi Paul,
I tell you a joke today…: When i started with you 3,5 weeks ago, i was afraid that i didnt would win enough to pay the monthly 105 Euro for your Service…. funny, isnt it ? 
Started with 806 Euro… 1675 Today Big thx for that.. greatest tippster ever,im happy i found this 
BUT, You promised me some swings for backing only…where are they ? I play much poker online,there you get your swings,this is nothing here, only UP,UP,UP 
Greetings from Vienna
B.L. 20/8/12
We got to 100 points today which is pretty close to your 114 considering we’re just about banned from most of the BOG bookies, 3K profit in a week, genius!
Thanks again Paul
P.M. 7/8/12 (see P.M.’s email 29th March further down the page……………….PB)
Fantastic Paul.
Very well done indeed – I’m loving this. I haven’t been as scientific as I ought to have been but I have edged my bets gradually up from £2 to £7 – still a modest level but highly enjoyable on the decent days.
E.H. 7/8/12
Awesome day yesterday Paul, £2.5K up in 6 days, it takes my wife nearly 2 months to earn that which is why she is now a full time homemaker come gambling guru between 1030 and 1230.
Many thanks
P.M. 7/8/12
If I may be permitted to say “Hot Damn”! you’re in the zone at the moment!
Haven’t made as much as you (stakes are smaller etc) but if you want to take the rest of the month off I wouldn’t complain…..unless you keep this streak going all month 
J.T. 6/8/12
What is it McDonalds say? ‘I’m loving it’
J.W. 6/8/12
Fantastic start to the month Paul! That will pay for a couple of meals in Cala D’or!
Happy Days.
G.W. 6/8/12
Any chance of an encore
G.M. 6/8/12
Hi Paul
You’ve hit the sweet spot again today Paul, reinforcing successes of the last few days. Very well done!
All the best
P.J. 6/8/12
hi paul
what a great week end thank you very much
P.H. 5/8/12
Well done today, tremendous stuff and a very good weekend indeed.
An excellent start to August.
G.M. 5/8/12
A further update on “my favourite email”………………………..P.B.
Dear Paul,
I hope you might find time to drop me a line back on this one. Firstly my account is now looking very healthy around the £2000 mark from my original £100. It would be much more but i have had to take time out here and there in the last few months and have not advanced the stakes rigidly per hundred increase. (i am staking £15 at present).
M.M. 31/7/2012
Hi paul,
Yep brilliant service, you sure know what your up to with this, a big thanks.
P.A. 31/7/2012
hi paul
i would also like to say thanks for another good month started off with a £3 a bet i have slowly increased this and its now £12 a bet on a sat its £9 a bet next is to get this up to £15 if that’s not greedy
P.H. 31/7/2012
Better a profit than a loss and whilst I can’t put a finger on a starting bank of x amount which has multiplied to y amount I can tell you that in my experience to date (and I’ve tried quite a few different services, of all sorts) yours is to date the only one which has not only delivered what it claimed, but actually consistently over delivered.
If you ever want a testimonial then I would be more than happy to help and if I ever get to Lanzarote (or Tenerife ) then I seriously owe you a slap-up dinner.
May the positive investing continue!
J.T. 31/7/2012
I stated that I would subscribe sometime ago during the earlier part of the trial and was not deterred by the last few days of the trial where results were not good but definitely not bad.
Illogical I know but I just had this feeling that once the trial ended the results would pick-up and what a start. That’s my first months subscription paid for in one day.
G.M. 20/7/2012
Hi Paul
I just wanted to send you an email thanking you for the free trial over the last month. I have followed your selections throughout and have achieved positive results overall which are very close to your profit/loss each day (generally within 1 or 2 points). Although there are alot of bets to be placed I have found that it is done in an orderly manner and there is no panic when going through each selection when it appears on Google Docs and that as long as one has the required amount of bookmakers accounts there should be no slippage on price for the most part. I also trialled the selections purely on a ‘win only’ basis without laying off any exposure and the results were again very similar to yours.
Your speed of response in answer to any queries and your overall willingness to help your customers is a breath of fresh air in this industry and I wish you all the best for the future.
S.B. 20/7/2012
Can I give you a huge thank you for the service you offer and the consistent results it has delivered. I retired a couple of years ago and looked at various “sure fire” betting systems but can’t say I was very impressed. In terms of managing risk, clarity of system and consistent risks you really are unrivalled.
I followed your results for a few months and jumped on board as soon as you offered the free trial. I started at £5 per bet and just like you on the previous email I recalculate my stake based upon the profits achieved in the month.
I. 15/7/2012
Hi Paul,
I really enjoyed the trial and the results so thanks for that and, as I said I would, I have just subscribed.
Keep up the good work with no thoughts of retirement please!
P.H. 19/7/2012
Hi Paul
Been through video and seem to understand that ok!
One question: In your opinion would you convert to the new system instead of the old one?
Since starting in January I have reached the great heights of £1900 bank starting at £500 so feel I’m going in the right direction! -
Your thoughts please?
G.W. 18/6/2012
I received today (7/5/12) an update on “my favourite email” (see FAQ page). Here it is in its entirety……….P.B.
Dear Paul,
I hope you are enjoying a well deserved bank holiday day off. A thank you is in order for an exceptional service, and I thought I would include a brief field report of my progress.
My October 2011 £100 starting bank now stands at £1013. This has been achieved betting on average I would say, 5 days a week (not the seven you usually provide). I have usually increased my starting £1 stake every time I hit the next hundred, but not religiously as I missed £7 altogether jumping from 6 to 8 and I will miss £9 as well. I have been on £8 and as last week my profit was over £150 thanks to doing Variation 2 only on the day ‘Got the Urge’ decided to win at 20/1. So next week I will begin the £10 stake.
I have tended to either do Variation 1 or 2 on the day now as the present size of my stake (8) can make splitting more complicated due to Betfairs SP £10 odds limit. I usually dont even check your own results as I am perfectly content with my own and they are obviously going to be different from yours.
Many thanks…. you and Mrs B. have a good day
M.M. 7/5/2012
(I know the patience and sheer common sense shown by M.M. are not widespread characteristics but, for crying out loud, they have to be seen as virtues. To multiply any starting bank by over 10 times in a period of 7 months has to be worthy of applause. He is fast approaching the time when bank growth will have to be discarded and replaced by a steady monthly income – not bad from a £100 start……….P.B.)
What I would like to say is how much I have enjoyed your service over the past few months ( I have never backed so many winners in my life ), it has been terrific, and very, very profitable. It is good to see that May has started so well, and I have no doubt that the service will go from strength to strength.
K.F. 4/5/2012
Hi Paul,
You look nice and relaxed out there in the sun!
I’m shocked it’s an ego trip for you but let me tell you that over the years I’ve tried various ‘schemes’ of one sort and another and so far yours is the only one that has delivered, and in fact consistently over-delivered!
Hats off to you sir.
J.T. 18/4/12
Hello Paul,
Just watched your latest video where you seem very sincere about your motive for doing this..i.e..the challenge to be the best at what you do…
Well,I’m 53 backed horses since I was 13,bought every system and strategy going,attended many tuition courses,backed in – running at betting exchanges,been on betfair since 2001 and given one- to-one tuition……and I must say I think your service is marvellous.
Graham Laurie is promoting an options trading system for me (he actually does it himself),and he mentioned your service.
I must confess to having tried your service sometime last year,ashamedly I soon abandoned you after some selections won at big prices but I had lost money because of laying at the much bigger betfair prices.
Following Grahams’ recommendation,I rejoined a couple of months ago and being retired (apart from trading options)I have the time to follow your system assiduously……(I’m the one who can never access your google doc from the e mail link,but can from the website link.)..I,m also fortunate in not having to worry about losing but I must say your service is providing a nice little income stream (especially the last 2 days!).
I bet to £40 stake..leaving £10 as a win and using the other £30 laying to 75% at betfair sp. Unfortunately because of being banned previously I’m stuck with Lsdbrokes and BET365 (both accept bets of any magnitude), Corbetts who limit bet liability to around £40!,Paddy power who limit to around £100 liability and William hill who are similar. Any of your selections above say 5.0, I have to place with either Ladbrokes or bet365 as no one else will let me place the bets.
So thank you for all the time and effort you put into this…you always reply promptly to any questions and are always helpful.Your drive to continually improve returns whilst reducing bank requirement is bloody marvellous as many would consider it impossible to achieve both.
If you get involved in any nasty accidents or start losing your marbles,please remember to pass on your selection process so that I can maintain the lifestyle I’m becoming accustomed to!…..
Hope you are enjoying your life in Lanzarote
Best wishes
P.B. 18/4/12 (same initials but not me!)
Hi Paul,
Patience is a virtue with your system and I’m more than happy that my pot has slowly risen from £400 to over 3K. I am very interested in the new system that you are trialling and was wondering if you had a userguide to follow, I’m not a seasoned gambler and I never stray outside of the back/lay %75 with my stakes now at £20/15 so my knowledge of markets and form guide is low.
P.M. 29/3/2012
A very good day again today. Thanks so much Paul.
This system, has to be one of the best services out there.
T.S. 05/01/12
Great day thanks
S.B. 05/01/12
great start to the New Year
J.F. 05/01/12
I started out at the beginning of October (missed most of the intro 30 days) with £100 bank and betting £1 backs and 75p Lays. Today the Bank stands at £465 as yesterday i started £4 and £3 stakes. Thank you.
M.M 05/01/12
and you are great!
Many Thanks and Regards!
J.B. 05/01/12
A great afternoon and a brilliant start to the year
J.T. 02/01/2012
a great start to the year paul thanks
P.H. 02/01/2012
Great start
Well done Paul.
Long may it continue.
A.M. 02/01/2012
Thanks again for the revelationary last few months (ie ever since I joined you end of July).
Although hard work it has also been a blast, and very profitable! [I have made 358 points in this period... that's awesome!]
S.G. 21/12/11
Well done, Paul. Thanks for a great month.
A.M. 30/11/11
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to say that I don’t know how you do it but your ability to find those winners is quite remarkable. Kudos to you, and even more so when all around you are floundering trying to find just one winner!
I.F. 30/11/11
Thanks, again, Paul.
My Funeral Plan is being topped up nicely, shall soon be able to afford brass handles!
J.B. 19/11/11
Well done Paul
A.M. 19/11/11
Many thanks for boosting my Saturday joy!
J.T. 19/11/11
That was a perfect day, thank you very much, Paul!
Best Regards from Germany/Bavaria.
J.B. 19/11/11
Excellent day, thank you, 34.752 points for me.
A.M. 19/11/11
.My results aren’t quite as good as yours but I don’t care. ITS JUST BRILLIANT
P.D. 19/11/11
Paul, what can I say? An absolutely brilliant day today, in what has been a fantastic couple of months since I signed up for this.
I’m always loathe to lavish lots of praise on a service in case it acts as the ‘kiss of death’, but your service has completely blown me away – I’ve never seen anything quite like it to be honest.
I initially used the Back/Lay method, but decided last Sunday to revert to win only – and what a week it has been, totally incredible.
Very well done Paul, and many thanks for giving us the opportunity to follow these.
K.F. 12/11/11
Paul for president!
S.V. 12/11/11
unbelievable stuff paul well done.
P.G. 12/11/11
Hi Paul, congrats, a cracking day all round
P.H. 12/11/11
Congrats on a completely insane day 
T.S. 12/11/11
Will you marry me !
J.B. 12/11/11
Absolutely outstanding day Paul!!!!!!
Well Done
P.M. 12/11/11
WOW Paul! Fantastic.
Thank you sooo much.
E.L. 12/11/11
Another awesome day… what a brilliant last week you have had mate! Well done!!……………. Keep up the good work Paul… you’re our hero!
S&P 11/11/11
Hi Paul
Hope you are well. Just wanted to say that the service is a real gem. I have been using for just over a week and been absolutely amazed at how well the whole set up works. …………..Keep up the excellent work.
S.K. 11/11/11
J.G. 11/11/11
Thanks for your reply Paul. Another great day today (I’m still a ‘back only’ person). The potential of this system is quite astounding- I’m very excited!
T. M. 11/11/11
i very much feel that you’ve created something special with beaumonts bets.
R.T. 11/11/11
Hi Paul! Great selections yesterday! I’m really enjoying my membership with you so far…
A.J. 11/11/11
You’re too modest, that’s a cracking day’s return, 63% ROI I believe on win bets only
R.C. 10/11/11
Well done a fantastic day
S.B. 10/11/11
Thanks, Paul, you’re a bloody genius !!
Best wishes,
J.B. 10/11/11
12.23 points for me today……………. I can only thank you for this amazing service Paul. I really am in awe of your abilities to find winners. Massive respect to you indeed.
T.S. 9/11/11
brilliant day Paul, thanks, I’m really pleased as I made 9.69 points which was within 1 point of you. What a bonus Google Docs is, thanks again,
S.T. 9/11/11
Hi Paul
Very good you are No.1
G.P. 9/11/11
Another great day in the attic Paul.
Very many thanks,
E.L. 9/11/11
Hi Paul, that’s better. Exactly 14 pts profit today and for me oh so more comfortable. No panics and fully in control……. Anyhow a great start.
D.H. 9/11/11
you’re a star Paul! 2 huge days in a row… keep it going!………………………..
Anyway, brilliant stuff…
S.G. 6/11/11
1 word : wow !
S.V. 6/11/11
Never seen before that somebody can pick nine winners out of 10. That’s statistically impossible with horses, but you did it today.
(actually it was only 9 winners from 11 races, but never mind. PB)
J.B. 6/11/11
Great couple of days, Paul!
Thanks so much.
E.L. 6/11/11
hi Paul,
just to let you know I made 85pts profit in October (using back/lay 75%) so needless to say google docs is a complete success and your service is exceptional!
keep up the good work
S.B. 1/11/11
Hi Paul
Feedback for October – I managed just over 80 points and this was with missing days due to a bereavement, being ill and problems with my ISP………… I just use googledocs now – think it is great
H.B. 1/11/11
Hi Paul,
Just a quick message to say I have cancelled my subscription for a couple of months whilst I go away to Thailand as discussed a while ago.
As a rough estimation, as I am still not brilliant at keeping records! Around 70% of this two month trip has been paid for by the bookmakers via your service.
Regards and a big thank you.
Z.H. 31/10/11
Bloody brilliant today! And not for the first time. Excellent service and if there was only one that I’d recommend it would be this one.
M.H. 30/10/11
I thoroughly enjoy the service
J.W. 30/10/11
Overall very, very impressive and I’m hoping to remain a customer for as long as you continue with the service.
T.S. 30/10/11
Hi Paul,
Here’s how I got on during October.
I made 118 points using Google Docs and backing only. It would have been more but for two or three mistakes where I backed the wrong horse (a timely reminder to get my eyes tested again!). Sod’s law dictated that the correct selection went on to win. I keep upping my stakes slowly but surely, and feel privileged to be part of the best betting system I have come across
A.N. 30/10/11
I can foresee me using this service for many years
T. M-G. 30/10/11
I would like to you thank you so much for you and your great service
M.W. 30/10/11
Dear Paul
I thought i would send you a little thank you note as appreciation for all your efforts in picking the selections every day. After 4 weeks, being a member of your service is beginning to teach me something i have not been good at —discipline in betting–. It is like going to work in the morning for a couple of hours when the google doc. arrives, and the fact there are others tuning in and making their bets too helps. Today has been excellent again and poor old Betfred has taken a walloping.
M.M. 30/10/11
Today Perfect
You are Great Paul !!!!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind Regards
G.P. 30/10/11
Please keep up this tremendous work. it’s the very best I’ve ever seen (and i have seen soooooooooooo many)
R.T. 28/10/11
Just wanted to thank you very much, for what is clearly a fantastic service from yourself. Another great day…Thanks so much for all the hard work.
T.S. 26/10/11
Maybe it’s too early to say this but this is the best system that I have ever used during my 6 years betting hobby.
J. P. 25/10/11
Your achievements never cease to amaze me!
Was particularly impressed with Clockmaker.
Well done, keep up the fab work!
S.G. 25/10/11
What a phenomenal day! I had to keeping topping up my Betfair account to enable lay betting to continue- may be I shouldn’t!
P.J. 18/10/11
Maybe the new whip regulations suit your selections as you have had some storming days since its introduced! 
by the way I have never seen a service like yours, betting 10 a point I am hoping to raise a deposit on a house next year, wish me luck 
J.W. 18/10/11
Congratulations on another great day and, for that matter, a great couple of months.
J.F. 29/9/11
Anyway thanks again for your service… tis wonderful, and I appreciate the flexibilty you’ve shown to try to help us subscribers get the better prices!
S.G. 29/9/11
Just wanted to say I am so impressed by the way you keep refining and improving an already impressive service. Credit where credits due this is a million times better than any of the services I have been on previously.
J.W. 25/9/11
Thanks Paul,
Keep up the good work.
Am very impressed up to now and in it for the long haul.
Yours is one of the very few sites I have tried , that is actually so honest and is making a steady improvement on my bank.
K.R. 6/9/11
I must admit when I first subscribed to the back only system I thought whooo that’s going to need nerves of steel and a huge bank, but this back/lay75 is fantastic!! I think you can be justifyably proud of creating a superb system.
P.H. 5/9/11
What a fantastic day!
Thanks very much Paul. I really enjoy following your selections.
S.W. 1/9/11
Well my first 5 days of trialing the 75% system have been excellent!! 22pts profit!
Looking great so far, keep up the hard work!!
S.B. 28/8/11
I’m so happy today. This is my first day with no problems and I have the same results as yours. I hope will stay this way from now on. Thank you so much.
M.C. 28/8/11
Really enjoying the service Paul
All the best
J.M. 25/8/11
It’s by far the best service I’ve ever found!!
S.G. 25/8/11
Your selection method continues to impress me, and has made me a good profit!
S.G. 24/8/11
thanks also for what you are trying to provide for us all. I’m really impressed with your effort.
J.T. 23/8/11
You have greatly inspired me and I thank you Paul. Keep up the good work.
F.M. 22/8/11
Hello Paul..congrats on being brilliant at 61
T.M. 21/8/11
Thank you for you honesty and frankness… You are by far the most ethical … Big thanks again, and keep up all your good work.
K. R. 18/8/11
I’m delighted I joined such a professional service and long may it last!
P.J. 18/8/11 |