Video runs for 6 minutes.
A New Beginning
If you’ve been a reader for any length of time you’ll know that Graham from Cashmaster rate Beaumonts Bets as the most profitable horse racing service he has ever seen. I often get asked if it’s actually possible to make a full time living from betting on horses and Paul Beaumont and his subscribers have demonstrated that, yes, it is possible and they’re doing it!

That’s a total profit of £141,535 to £50 level stakes and you’ll notice there was only one losing month in the 28 months of the service.
For backing only, a betting bank of 200 points is recommended, however for those wishing to have a smoother ride without the ups and downs of losing runs, Pauls Back/Lay 75% system which involves laying off 75% of the bet on Betfair, requires only a 50 point bank and produced a remarkable 1590.59 points profit.

The service has been running for two and half years with subscribers happily paying £79 a month for the privilege of Paul’s daily wisdom.
So you can imagine Graham's surprise when
Paul sent the below e-mail to in November 2013
“Good morning, Graham
I know this may come as a surprise to you but after 2½ years of providing the Beaumont’s bets service with a fair amount of success, I have decided to bring the service to a close. The reason is actually quite simple; I just want my life back. Having been tied to my computer for six mornings a week, I now feel, at my advanced age, I should be taking things a little easier.
Now, I have been asked many times whether I would host a seminar or something similar in order to explain how I make my selections. I know I went down the seminar route with the Beaumont method but that was actually for two very specific reasons. Firstly, I wanted to illustrate to a live audience in real time how I made money without risking any of my own and I also needed to keep the numbers low because with too many people having access to it, it simply wouldn’t work for anybody.
By charging £2,000 per seat, as you know, we did certainly keep the numbers manageable. This, however, is not the case with Beaumont’s bets. In fact there is an argument for saying that the more people who do this the better, particularly for those like me who are waiting to place lay bets at the back end. I have decided therefore to put together a training DVD and also to produce a manual for those who may be interested in knowing what I do and how I do it. It’s really something I think people will understand and be able to do with a little practice.
When I produce the DVD, I will not only illustrate how I make the selections, but also what I do every morning in order to provide those selections to my subscribers. The reason I am doing it this way is this: I am not at all precious about what I do, inasmuch as there may be people who would use this in order to place their own bets, but may also have a desire to provide the selections to others, just as I did. This is perfectly OK with me, and, if someone wants to use the information in order to create their own betting advisory service, they have my unconditional blessing. The site will remain open and will be available should anyone wish to refer anyone else to it. All the results etc. will remain on the site. I have to say that being a “betting adviser”, even amongst just the people you know is fun. There are a couple of bars here in Lanzarote where my status is almost godlike. In fact in one bar I am known as the Messiah and people bow when I walk in. It’s very irreverent I know but it is fun and I enjoy it. I also, very rarely, have to buy a drink in these bars. After all, when you think about it, there are millions of people out there who have never even heard of Beaumont’s bets but would still appreciate a profitable and reliable betting service. There are also those who would be unable to make the selections at the time necessary but would still be happy to receive the selections a little later in the day.
As you know, Graham, I have made a sizeable amount of money since I started this, somewhere in excess of £200,000. Whilst most of it has come from actually placing my bets, a fair chunk of money, as you can testify, has also come from subscriptions to the service
So, there you have it, should anyone wish to use my method in order to make their own selections, that’s fine, but if they would like to extend this into a business (just as I did) then that’s fine also.
The timescale involved is that I will spend some time in December/January in England actually having the DVDs and the manuals produced, in order for everything to be available in January. I don’t actually recommend doing this in the worst of the winter months so I believe the beginning of February would be a good time for people to start.
Now, to cost; I wanted to price this at a level that I feel people would be able to afford without too much heart searching and so I have decided on £297 for everything, which is actually less than four months’ subscription to the service.
At this stage, I am only concerned with those people who would have an interest in owning this product.
Best regards
So there you have it.
Paul has retired but made his complete method available on video. For a one off fee of £297 you can learn how to do this yourself without having to pay a monthly subscription. This means you can use the method whenever you like without having the pressure of having to do it to cover your subscription fees.
And it’s a method that is probably the most profitable you’ll ever use |
Why Gamblers Lose.
Video runs for just over 6 minutes.

Here is the Maslow Pyramid Paul talks about.
You will understand, if you have every ask a bank for a loan, when you really needed it, the answer was mostly no.
And when you don't need a loan they and begging you to take one out... know the feeling?
Like umbrella salesman, never see them when it is raining, right?
You can make Racing Pay, using Paul's Proven Method.
Requirements to make this system work for you
• You have the time and inclination to place on average 50 bets per day (can be up to 80+ on a Saturday)
• You are able to open multiple bookmaker accounts
• You are not tied to Betfair only, but you have access to it
• You have time to spare between 10:30 and 12:30 each day (you don’t tie up the full 2 hours)
• You have the ability to set aside a bank and the discipline to emotionally separate yourself from the money in it
• You are able to accept that even the most successful gambling has its ups and downs
• You are not broke and you don’t desperately need money (if you do, you should never gamble anyway)
• You have money, aside from the bank, available to use (not put at risk) in keeping bookmakers’ and Betfair accounts topped up. In my case this equates to about 4 times the actual bank (saves me having to top up frequently)
Remember Paul has stoped his service now, in order to enjoy life and relax.
(only one losing month Jan 13)

What you are grabbing here is:
Unlimited access to Paul's Video series, online and his manual on extractly how he ran a very successful horse selections service.
All of this is in one software,. that is a windows only compatible software.
So all you need to make the horses pay you is in Pauls online video series.
This video and written series, takes you through a standard race day morning, showing exactly how Paul got his selections, that those 100 plus people emailed him to thank him. See the testimonal page above.

If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?
2014-19 ©
Steve Davidson © 2014- 19
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We, as a merchant, provide both products (goods) and services (information) to our customers.
Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.
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Steve Davidson