Your Guide to Hitting Long Runs

of Winners and Place Getters!

Get the Jump, with the Jumpers and Cashin'.

And we will show you..





Wait the video, it is worth it, spells out how accurate this method is.

Look at these results...


There are two Versions For National Hunt Treasure,

Version 1 is mainly aimed at the Place Betting Market.

And Version 2 has a few more filters and is aimed at more winners.

Version 2 has less selections however has a higher winner rate.

These selections are for Jumping Races, so you can see the above results are during the start of the Flat season, so we have less bets in summer.

However, once National Hunts season starts again, you will be able to attack it with gusto.

This system is very consistant.

The progression place betting feature is very rewarding,

That will AMAZE you on what Low Place Price Horses Can DO.

This is the results from Version 2 on Progression Place betting.

As you can see a Return on Investment of 220.90% (yes after 5% betfair commission).

And Version 1 results on the Fourfold (Progression betting).

As you can see more series, and more profit.

247.80% Return of Investment.

This is what the progression place bets looks like,

The above shows, the first 5 selections from the 31st March,

You can see 5 short priced placed horses have returned over £10.00 profit on £5.00 outlay of our own money.

You will be shown how this compound betting method works.

This is an all in betting on the place market.


However if you want to bet in the win market, you can by all means,

after all we have very high strike rates.

Version 1 has a 61% winner strike rate

Version 2 has a 70% winner strike rate.



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Steve Davidson